Put the Freeze on Holiday Weight Gain

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Worried about holiday weight gain? You’re not alone. Put the freeze on your fears and jot down these 7 tips to avoid holiday weight gain from nationally accredited personal trainer, Angie Beckius, owner of Fishers Indiana’s premier concierge fitness studio, Our Fit Club.

Per a national survey, Americans say they gain, on average, about five pounds this time of year. Moreover, most people never lose the weight they put on during the holidays. Before you sigh heavily and resign yourself to just warmly welcoming those indulgent holiday pounds like an old friend, Angie wants to let you in on a little secret… You don’t have to be a holiday weight gain statistic. Wait, what? Yep, it is true – you, my friend, can put the smack down on those holiday pounds.

7 Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

  • The holidays are filled with yummy signature beverages, sweet treats and indulgent appetizers, finger foods and snacks. Festive eats seem to be around every corner, and the risk of overeating is high. On average it takes about 3500 a day for the average human to gain a pound. Let’s look at that another way – an additional 500 calories per day for a week could add up to that one pound gain too. Consider conserving some calories each day during the week leading up to a big holiday feast. Additionally, be mindful and plan ahead. Going to an indulgent party in the evening? Have a protein shake or lower calorie breakfast and lunch.

  • Remember bread and alcohol are empty calories and spike insulin levels. Save your calories for the good stuff like prosciutto wrapped shrimp, stuffed mushrooms and delish charcuterie!

  • Water, water, water! Get at least half you daily water in before you head to those holiday parties.

  • Have a high-protein snack before you head out for an evening of holiday fun.

  • Make sure to get your morning exercise in and plan a walk for after dinner.

  • Plexus weight management and nutrition tools can be a big help this time of year. Angie’s Plexus go-to tools are the Plexus Hunger Control Slim and a Plexus Balance Supplement 30 minutes before a meal, Plexus Active when you are experiencing a dip in energy, and Plexus Slim Micro Biome Activating just before bed to level out blood sugar. Activating any time of day to level out those blood sugars and reduce inflammation is A MUST during this busy time of year!

  • And if you lose control (it’s an EATING season after all), take heart. Tomorrow’s a new day. Get right back on your wellness plan and don’t look back.

Remember, an inch of movement is better than a mile of intentions. Be mindful this holiday season, and know that the Our Fit Club family is here for guidance and resources to assist and inspire your journey to a healthier life.

Ready to start your own wellness transformation? Get the skinny on our holiday deal. Just $30 for 30 days! Put a little something in your own stocking, enjoy unlimited studio classes and get to know the fun and supportive Our Fit Club family!